Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Professional Thanks

I would like to take the time out to say, "Thank You" for all of your support while in this class. It was nice getting to know you all on a professional note. I wish you all nothing but pure blessings in all that you set forth to do while on this educational journey.

Good luck to you!

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Thanks for your kindness.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Code of Ethics

  1. We shall demonstrate our respect and concern for children, families, colleagues, and others with whom we work, honoring their beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture
  2. We shall recognize our responsibility to improve the developmental outcomes of children and to provide services and supports in a fair and equitable manner to all families and children.
  3. To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve.
  4. We shall maintain confidentiality and shall respect the family’s right to privacy, refraining from disclosure of confidential information and intrusion into family life. However, when we have reason to believe that a child’s welfare is at risk, it is permissible to share confidential information with agencies, as well as with individuals who have legal responsibility for intervening in the child’s interest.

    After reading the code of ethics, I feel as though I am more obligated to the children that I serve. The above helps me a a professional because I now strive harder to be there not only for the children but for the families that we serve. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just for Laughter

Oh, Lord, let it snow.

Let it drift and let it blow.

In the morning, no real fuss,

Just enough to stop the bus.

Enough to make the County say:

"There will be no school today."

Let the radio report: "Snow's deep!"

And I'll roll over for more sleep.

Then later on, say maybe ten,

I'll turn the radio on again.

Just in time to hear them say:

"It's strange; the snow has gone away!"

And then I'll know, You made it stop,

So I can go to the mall and shop.

Please, Lord, just hear my teacher's plea,
And make it snow for the kids and me!

-- John Hillen

A Teacher's Prayer

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Resource Collection

NAEYC. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on child abuse prevention. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on school readiness. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on responding to linguistic and cultural diversity. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

NAEYC. (2003). Early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

NAEYC. (2009, April). Early childhood inclusion: A summary. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

FPG Child Development Institute. (2006, September). Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families. (FPG Snapshot, No. 33). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

Note: The following article can be found in the Walden University Library databases.

Turnbull, A., Zuna, N., Hong, J. Y., Hu, X., Kyzar, K., Obremski, S., et al.  (2010). Knowledge-to-action guides. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 42–53.
Use the Academic Search Complete database, and search using the article's title. 
Article: UNICEF (n.d.). Fact sheet: A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
World Forum Foundation
This link connects you to the mission statement of this organization. Make sure to watch the video on this webpage 

World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Read about OMEP’s mission.  

Association for Childhood Education International
Click on “Mission/Vision” and “Guiding Principles and Beliefs” and read these statements.

National Association for the Education of Young Children

The Division for Early Childhood

Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families


Harvard Education Letter

FPG Child Development Institute

Administration for Children and Families Headstart’s National Research Conference


Children’s Defense Fund

Center for Child Care Workforce

Council for Exceptional Children

Institute for Women’s Policy Research

National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education

National Child Care Association

National Institute for Early Education Research


Voices for America’s Children

The Erikson Institute

Additional Resources

Learning and Teaching With Preschoolers

Social Skills
And Positive Mental Health
Lynne Namka, Ed. D. © l997

Positive Ways to Talk and Listen

25 Ways to Talk So Children Will Listen

Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Teaching Our Youngest