Saturday, December 24, 2011

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.  ~Stacia Tauscher~     

Professional Thanks

I would like to take the time out to thank you all for all of the support throughout this enriching class. Each of you have added resourceful information to me. It gives me great pleasures to say that I will truly miss you all after this point. I hope that we  have more classes together.

I wish you luck in all that you set forth to do in the future here at Walden University and in life.

Give Love to The Children



  Give Love to the children Children need love everyday
Give love to the children Guide them on their way
Love's like a burning flame consumes all that stands in the way

Love is the only power on earth to take all the hatred away
GIVE LOVE TO THE CHILDREN set the children free
To make their own decisions then they will clearly see
Love is the sun the moon and the stars love is a golden ring

Love is the one thing the whole world desires be it beggar or king
GIVE LOVE TO THE CHILDREN youth has not long to stay
Love is a long term investment the best you will find any day

Love like the rising sun takes all the darkness away
Our children will tell their children and their childrens children will say
Give love to the children they are our crock of gold
and if perchance they ever stray they will come back to the fold

Give love to the children the children of today
Give love to the children and love will come to stay. 


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Testing for Intelligence

school "welcome!"
We all are aware and understand that children develop and learn at different rates. With that being said, we may ask ourselves why are children all being assessed and measured the same. Assessments, in my opinion should  be focused on the individual child. During the early years I feel as though assessments are not necessary. I feel as though we, meaning schools in the United States, should model schools in Japan and institute the yutorki kyoiku which means more relaxed education.

In Japan children attend school longer than we do in the United States. They have longer days, weeks, (including Saturday mornings) and years (only one month of summer vacation) . In 2002, the Japanese government eased educational and testing requirements by instituting the yutori kyoihu. They wanted to put more emphasis on learning rather than on memorizing facts to get high test scores. 

In my opinion, I feel as though  more information is attained and the learning was not in vain. 

I can speak and advocate for my daughter. She is terrified when the teacher tells her that she will be taking a big test. She freezes and does not do her best because she is focused and worried that she may not pass a big test. 9 out of 10 times, she doesn't.
In my opinion, I feel as though children should be given credit for the information and the improvements that they  make. I feel as though we put too much emphasis on the letter grade and it becomes a competition causing the children that really are challenge to continually fail.
I think we need to get on board with Japan. According to statistics, the children in Japan score far better on both Math and Science scores.

What do you think?