Hello classmates,
While taking this course, I have learned so many important things about the research process and the different things that it takes to ensure that all aspects are covered ranging from finding a topic to ensuring tat all of the ethical factors are included and ensuring that equity and fairness in incorporated.
Before taking this class, I thought that the nature of the research process was lengthy and too time consuming as well as being difficult. However, after the past eight weeks I have leaned that each step in the research process makes the next step easier. The process is not that difficult either.One of the challenges that I encountered in the research process was formulating the research question. I overcame the challenge by asking a question that was not too open ended and left room for much discussion and collaboration.
After a near successful completion of this course I realize that childhood professionals have a lot of things to consider when working with children. The most important thing that I digested from this course is the simply fact that we want to ensure that each child is treated with dignity and respect. Ways that this can be done is by respecting their privacy, ensuring that there are certain things that has to be reported and there are certain things that has to be reported.We also have to ensure that equity is individualized based in the need of the child.
I can recall during week one, we were all nervous and excited at the same time. We were afraid of the word RESEARCH! I have to admit, this class has been a great experience for me and I think that we all proved that we can do all things. There is nothing too hard for us. We learned how to navigate the new system as well as tackle a class that a little challenging.
Thank you all for your support and great dialogues. I have learned so much through our communications. Non of this could have been possible without great classmates and a great teacher. I wish you all luck and many blessings in all that you set forward to do in the present and the future.