Friday, December 21, 2012

~As We Adjourn~



Let me first start off by saying that I really have enjoyed each and every one of you. Though we have not met personally, the interactions that we have made with each other throughout this course have been very rewarding. I have learned to value both good and bad communication as we collaborated with each other the differences. I have learned so much from you all and I have learned from our discussions how to improve myself better as a listener as well as a communicator.

I hope to see some familiar names and faces (Blog) as I journey on through the program here at Walden. It has been nice collaborating, discussing, and blogging with you all as we shared our very own thoughts and opinions. 

My contact email is:  I am also on facebook listed as Oliver Katrina. Lets not let this be the end of the road for us. Anything that I can do to assist, please contact me. I try to have my cell phone with me at all times. (Email). 

I wish you all luck in all that you set forth to do. We are almost there (graduation). Hang in there and I hope to see you all on graduation day. 

Many blessings!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

~Adjourning & Saying Good Bye~

Teens at School Having a Discussion clipart


I know that we can can testify about the different types of groups that we have been a part of. For me, the group where we treated each other with respect and looked out for the well being of each other was the hardest to leave. Because we all worked so well together and everyone had high standards, we performed very well. Within the group, there were no cliques. We all had our own opinions and valued the opinions of others. We valued each other and especially our differences. This group was formed as a grade level. We were all second grade teachers and did everything together; lesson plans, meetings, and more.

When I had to PCS with my husband, we celebrated by going to dinner with each other and our families. There to my surprise, I was blessed with gifts from each person.

While working on my master's degree online, I have not had the opportunity to meet my colleagues and establish relationships. I know for sure that it is very hard to leave people or adjourn where there are relationships that are healthy. Adjourning may not be so hard in this case.

I must add, we people do not work together well as a team, it is easy to say good bye. I have to admit, I have been working with a group of managers where I am trying to buy my way out of. People are jealous, mean, unappreciative and have different worth ethics than I do. I can not wait until I am able to adjourn from this team. 

Adjourning is an essential stage of teamwork because it helps the team or group reflect on their accomplishment and failures as well as determine whether the group will disassemble or take on another project.(O’Hair & Wiemann, 2012. p. 257) 


O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). 
Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

~Resolving Conflict!


When being asked to think abut conflict in either my professional or personal environment, several encounters come to mind. However, I'd like to reflect on the personal aspects rather than the professional at this time.

Scenario: It is the holiday season and my husband and I are shopping for Christmas gifts. My husband looks over to me after I had spent a few dollars on items that our daughter have on her Christmas list and says, I am going to buy ( he has an outside child) my son items and I can buy Jonaisa ( our daughter) things later. 

Without asking any questions, I looked at him and began to yell using language that is definitely inappropriate. After about two long minutes of telling him how I feel and that he has to take care of all of his responsibilities, I felt a little bad. Being a man, he confronted me, letting me know that I was wrong and should understand where he was coming from. I felt as tough he was putting our daughter last (yes I am sensitive about this). Instead he wanted to ensure that hiss son items are shipped and under his tree before Christmas. 

Two strategies that I have learned that would help me deal with conflict is the cooperative strategy and taken from the nonviolent communication, "10 Steps to Peace".
When it comes to the cooperation strategy it is important because when I communicate, I want my relationship to benefit and have goals that with benefit all of us. When I think about the steps to keeping the peace, I will have to center everything on me making the necessary change to ensure improvement or satisfaction. I have learned from experience that the only person you can change is yourself.

The 3 R's is always a great strategy as well. In all we do being respectful and responsive in a positive manner should give great rewards in return.

This week has been great. I printed a view things from the NVC website and used with my staff to help build teams while improving the culture in the center and believe it or not, it has to start with the way we communicate with each other.