Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation (Janet Gonzalez-Mena)

Teaching "Diversity": A Place to Begin

We all want children to grow up in a world free from bias and discrimination, to reach for their dreams and feel that whatever they want to accomplish in life is possible. We want them to feel loved and included and never to experience the pain of rejection or exclusion. But the reality is that we do live in a world in which racism and other forms of bias continue to affect us. Discrimination hurts and leaves scars that can last a lifetime, affecting goals, ambitions, life choices, and feelings of self-worth.

How can we best prepare children to meet the challenges and reap the benefits of the increasingly diverse world they will inherit? We can raise children to celebrate and value diversity and to be proud of themselves and their family traditions. We can teach children to respect and value people regardless of the color of their skin, their physical abilities, or the language they speak.

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

"As we take the next steps in our journey, I know you'll be right there with me, as always, in my heart and by my side.

Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America"
- Hillary Rodham Clinton

Women's Rights Are Human Rights Famous Speech by Hillary Clinton
Beijing, China: 5 September 1995

What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish.

And when families flourish, communities and nations will flourish. 

Quote by Louise Derman Sparks
I have a passion to create a safe more just world for all children.

Quote by sandy Sescobido
I am happy knowing that aI have the opportunity to shape and enhance a child's world. I feel good knowing that parents are learning how to advocate for their children.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Personal Web Part 2

Personal Childhood Web

~In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.~
Eva Burrows

There were several individuals during my childhood that cared about me, nurtured me, and made me feel special. Read about the following individuals who played an important role in my life and helped me become who I am today.

~Mother~ My mother, Jessie Nell Gardner, is a hard working woman. She ensured that I had everything that I needed. She did not have a degree from a university but she majored in raising her children "Christ Like". That is the best lesson that she could have taught me. My mother influenced my life as a child because she always encouraged me to do my best. She praised me when I did things that were pleasing and made it known when I did things that were not so pleasing. She believed in the fact that it takes a village to raise a child. She did not spare the rod. She was, and still is, always there to listen when I need someone to talk too. My mother made me feel loved each day of my life. When things would get hard, she would tell me, "Nobody told you that the road would be easy but I don't believe he (God) brought you this far to leave you". 

~Father~ My father, Jeffery Gardner, is definitely a hardworking man. He demonstrated to me what to look for in a husband. My father influenced me as a child because he showed me that you have to work hard for the things that you want in life. I can remember riding in his truck, having a conversation with him about school and becoming a teacher. I always wanted to be a teacher. He told me that what ever I decided to do, he would love it and support me. My father nurtured me in several ways. He made sure that I had everything that I needed. He made sure that I attended church and hung with the positive crowd. My father made me feel special. I was not too good in sports. However, my father came to all of my games and supported me. He made me feel like I was the best player on the team. My father was so proud to call me his daughter. He introduced me to all of his friends in a positive and happy way. Once I realized that I was not too good in sports, I began singing more in the choir. My father was so happy to hear me sing. I always wanted to do things that made him proud. My father helped me to become who I am because I was always too scared to made him unhappy. Making him happy made my day.

~My Loving Late Grandmother~ My grandmother, Georgia Mae McGuire, was a masterpiece. Her wisdom and knowledge about life influenced my life as a child. My grandmother showed me how to grow up and survive with family, friends, and love. When I was growing up, television was limited. I only had the opportunity to watch cartoons on the weekends, and it was in black and white. My grandmother did not have an education and could not read or write as well as other. But this woman was amazing. She did not let anything bother her. She demonstrated me that God is good ALL the time. She raised me in her house until I was 8 years old. My grandmother nurtured me several ways. She always made me feel special. She made sure I had food, clothes, and shelter. She instilled in me family values that are more important than anything in this world. As I aged and became an adult, I was still considered her baby girl. When I started driving, she knitted me a cross. Until this day, the cross hang in my mirror in my car. It goes with me on every trip. Each time I would come home to visit my grandmother would come to my mother house to see me off. That made me feel so special. She does not drive but she would find a way to see me off to my journey.

~My Oldest Brother~ My oldest brother, Kerry Maul, always made me feel special. Being the only girl, I am very spoiled. As a child, he made sure no one bothered me or mistreated me. He was always there when I needed him. He never wanted to tag me along with him on dates. However, he would call me and tell me good night because I would be asleep before he made it back home. All of the things that I wanted as a child my parents felt was a waste, he would get for me. He always encouraged me to keep the faith and to do what I wanted to do in life. He made me feel special all of the time. When he was in high school, he was a star football player. He always had the announcer announce that he loves me before he ran on the football field. I thought that was so special. The year his team won the playoff, he had me stand in the crowd with the cheerleaders to run with him on the field. I sure did think that I was a queen. His senior year, my mother and I escorted him on the field. He always made me feel like I was special.

~My Aunt Lil Georgia McGuire~ My aunt, Georgia McGuire never had any children of her own. Guess what? I was one that she claimed. She was my mothers youngest sister. She lived in the house with my grandmother. My aunt helped my grandmother raise me when I was living with them. They ensured that I had all of he things that I needed. On the weekends,I would visit my mother and father. My aunt would go with me and stay as well.
My aunt helped me with homework until I was able to get things completed on my own. She taught me how to be independent. I know that my aunt love me because she treated me the way my mother treated me. She disciplined me when I needed it and praised me when it was deserved.

All of the individuals played a major role in my childhood. They all taught me that a family that prays together stays together.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Give Love To Children

Give Love to the children
Children need love everyday
Give love to the children
Guide them on their way
Love's like a burning flame
consumes all that stands in the way
Love is the only power on earth
to take all the hatred away
Give Love to set the children free
To make their own decisions
then they will clearly see
Love is the sun the moon and the
stars love is a golden ring
Love is the one thing the whole
world desires be it beggar or king
Give Love to youth
has not long to stay
Love is a long term investment
the best you will find any day
Love like the rising sun takes all
the darkness away
Our children will tell their
children and their childrens
children will say
Give love to the children they are
our crock of gold
and if perchance they ever stray
they will come back to the fold
Give love to the children the
children of today
Give love to the children and love
will come to stay.
akingbehin daniel murphy 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Quote about Children

Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.
- Robert Fulghum

A Story of a Young Boy that Touched My Heart

I was sitting on a team of deciding officials for a young boy who wanted to play basketball but has a handicap. The young boy has several medical issues that could possibly hinder him from being on the basketball team at the school. As adults, we were sitting around discussing his issues trying to come to the best conclusion for him. His parents were later invited to the meeting so we could hear what they had to say about the situation. His parents spoke and they felt the same as we did. They did not want him too involved with the boys because his bones were not as strong as it should be.

After discussing the young man with the team and his parents, we decided to hear what he had to say. We called him in the room and introduced ourselves. We then asked him how he felt about his situation and what could we do to accommodate him and make him feel part of the team. The young boy said to us, "I would like for you all to treat me as normal as possible. I love to play basketball and would give my last mobile leg to do it. I know my limits". This brought tears to my eyes. This was a reality check for all of us. Who wouldn't want to be treated the same regardless of our situations.