Saturday, May 12, 2012

Web Resources


The organization that I chose to examine in great detail is "The National Association for the Education of Young Children" (NAECY) founded in 1926. It is a professional nonprofit organization which promotes excellence in early childhood education. The organization is dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of educational and developmental services for all children from birth through age 8.

The link to the website is

A current issue from the web sight that caught my attention is an article, "Reflections from Teachers of Culturally Diverse Children". This article was great considering the topics that we are discussing this week. The article goes into details and explains the importance of teachers being able to teach children from different cultural backgrounds.

Here is a paragraph from the article that I would like to share:

"Beginning the journey toward increased cultural competence (the ability to understand diverse perspectives and appropriately interact with members of other cultures in a variety of situations) requires teachers to rethink their assumptions and consider life’s issues through the lenses of people who come from cultural backgrounds different from their own". ( Michaela W. Colombo, EdD)

 Colombo, Michaela W. , EdD.  NAECY Retrieved from


  1. Katrina,

    I like the bit from the article that you shared. Having traveled to many places overseas, I've experienced being on the opposite end of the spectrum so I understand the importance of seeing it on the other end.

    What does your school do to attempt to see these diversities in other lights?

  2. Katrina,

    I also selected the NAEYC website and found a lot of helpful information related to the topic for this week!

    Isn't amazing that two individuals can look at a website and find similar, yet different resources... In a way, I learn more by having my classmates perspectives.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. First things first, I LOVE your blog! The design is so very teacher! :) I'm not teaching in the early childhood field right now so the base of information and organizations is really helping me become familiar with the early childhood field. Thanks for sharing!
