Saturday, June 2, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts- Part 2

Inequality in Cape Verde Island

After conversing with MS. Bela Frye I realized that there are similarities in her country as to the United States in regards to the different education  inequalities. She spoke about transportation for the children to the school. There are no school buses available therefore the parents have to either walk or drive their children to school or they have the option to use public transportation. Some children that have to walk may not attend school on a regular basis due to the weather. Some children may live too far to walk therefore their children do not have the opportunity to attend school. She mentioned that some children do not have the adequate attire in regards to footwear to be able to walk to school, therefore there are days that are also missed. Last but yet importantly, some parents may not be able to afford to use the public transportation which is also another reason for days missed from school.
Ms. Frye mentioned that schooling is not viewed as a necessity until the first therefore parents were not too concerned about the unattended days of school.

The parents income also plays an important role in education. Some children parents can afford to send them to school whereas others can not. She found that the more wealthier children attended school more often than the poor children. When the less fortunate children did attend school, at time their parents had to remove them because they could not afford it.


  1. Does Ms. Frye's country offer assistance for children to attend her school? Or any type of government assistance?

  2. I can identify with Ms. Frye's walking situation. I teach in a rural area where students have to walk because for some reason they live too close to school to get a bus to stop there. (How absurd!) So when we have one of our lovely hurricane's or tropical storms, or maybe just afternoon storms (almost every day here in FL) we see a huge decline in our numbers at school.

  3. My school district is the exact opposite. Mostly all of the students require transportation because of the places they live. Our school is in a central location but the houses are out in the country. However we are out of school frequently because of inclement weather such as fog and rain. Great information to obtain!
