Friday, October 26, 2012

~Professional Hopes and Goals~

One hope that I have when working with children and families from diverse backgrounds is that all teachers are prepared with the essential tools to make everyday learning a success. I want the children  to feel comfortable learning in an environment where they are accepted. I also hope that parent feel welcomed and know that we are there to assist them in all ways possible.

One goal that I would like to set for the early childhood field that is related to diversity, social justice, and equity is to train all caregivers that are employed in my center on the importance of all three. The society is growing larger and larger each day. Luckily we are in a profession where people look up to us. If all teachers (caregivers) are trained on equity, and diversity, they may have a different outlook on people.

I hope that you all have enjoyed this experience as much as I have. It was great learning about the uniqueness of the people who make up our society.
Please take all that you have learned to improve on equity and social justice in you careers. I have enjoyed collaborating with you all and I wish you nothing but the best in all that you set forth to accomplish throughout your experience at Walden University and throughout life.


  1. Hi Katrina,
    I agree with you that that it is important that early childhood teachers are trained on a regular basis on the issues of diversity, social justice and equity. With the knowledge they gain they will be better equipped to work with families and children from diverse backgrounds and these families will have a sense that the teachers truly are working in their behalf.

  2. Katrina,

    Educating and better preparing our child care professionals is the key to educating our world on diversity, social justice, and equity. Our early child care professionals are the leaders in setting the foundation of all children.
    I would like to thank you for the knowledgeable insight that you have continued to share with us all week after week.

    May your educational journey continue to fulfill your thirst of knowledge.

  3. Giving our children the best learning experience possible should be a goal for all early childhood educators. If you don't have the passion for what you do then this isn't the field and today we see so much of this. Glad to know you are one who wants to make the difference in the life of a child and family. We have to be well prepared for this field as we see so much changing in our world today. I want to wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do in life. Good Luck!!!!!

  4. I agree that if people are trained on culture and diverstiy we will be better educators. Thanks for sharing these past 8 weeks. I enjoyed reading your blogs. And once again I think I have already told you but I love you blog page so colorful. Thanks!!!!
